

Please suspend judgement and resist the temptation, as you notice the requisite traits, to file this effort with similar ones, as those files are full, and this one belongs in all the files at once, as I think you will discern by the end of this brief introduction to my project. 

One of the women who endured it professed that childbirth felt like being turned inside out. Well, this effort will foster a similar effect in reverse. That is, we seem to have given birth to the world and cut the umbilical cord, but this is a big mistake, a grand illusion. The world out there insists on returning to where it came from, with the projections we see out there automatically recognized as mere tools to help us navigate it. Many religions discern this, and science agrees, and now demands to assert the authority of this conclusion as public knowledge, not only verified empirically and logically discerned as reported by the authorities, but assimilated. Alas, many people have not yet assimilated the fact that an embryo is not a little homunculus implanted by the man and that the woman only carries, however they spout this knowledge verbally. Nevertheless science persists. It’s a slow slow train, but it’s movin on. 

Alas and alack, the most difficult thing to see is what’s right before the eyes, and when it comes into view, people get embarrassed at having built and invested in many houses of cards and lash out, but please use all the new and old cognitive and behavioral methods to temper your feelings as they are bound to arise, and neither run away nor kill me. The thing that everybody is overlooking is that words are not things, and things are not made to serve words, but vice versa, for all practical purposes — however everybody feels they do give what the things are visibly doing the authority, not often reflecting on the visible nature of the things themselves, but rather effectively reading them (however theoretically otherwise) in such a way as to undermine and limit this earnest attempt at close observation, and however words that do notice this do so in tomes and tomes, as they are hardly secretly reinforcing their rule just by insisting on having the final word on the matter, which is different from demurely helping out and withdrawing very quickly to let the things speak for themselves -- as I will shortly show I am keen to do -- but as I say, it is hardest to see what is right before the eyes, so again please try not to run away or kill me. 

I say for all practical purposes, because when categories of experience no longer replace experience with themselves, when a hat as that is no more automatically confused with a "hat" than the key of a map is with the land itself, and words are returned to their rightful place as servants of the material world for all practical purposes, they start singing and helping the things they serve in a way that seems to suggest some original collusion. But first it is necessary to kill the wicked delusion and free the minds of the munchkin words as they withdraw their claws ubiquitously, and to restore the absolute authority for ALL practical purposes, of the visible world. For ALL practical purposes it is rightly the dictator who dictates all the dictation, not vice versa. Words should prostate themselves before the dictator when they enter the royal chamber, however then this dictator bids them rise and look the dictator straight in the eyes.

Words once they start to deconstruct, want to just keep deconstructing until there is nothing there, or not to begin at all.  Stop it words! Back off!  The visible world is like what they used to call woman, a flowing sea that cannot be controlled, but only loved and navigated wisely.  Maybe woman is still that basically, and that is why after all this time, as might makes right, the visible world has been denied authority.  It now assumes the authority that simply makes sense and that everybody professes to the sense of, everybody claiming to be faithful to what is right before the eyes, however it is a sea one cannot control, but only love, respect, and navigate and try to desist from overloading with trash and plastic.  To respect and protect the wild sea of empirical evidence, the foundation of science, words resort to poetic tropes.  Science without poetic assistance doesn't work and eventually starts falling apart.  Science seeming in perfect control and avoiding all risk and uncertainty has certainly overstretched and if it does not retreat a bit is doomed to a fall like that of Rome.  If you notice someone is riding the whale, respond accordingly.

The way this happens, the way the visible world asserts authority, is to notice where it has already happened, for the imperiously opaque authority of time is an effect of the domination of words. It is happening and has happened and will happen repletely, in the open air, one big hole that took away the roof, but no significant holes in the boat, in my interpretation, or playing of the score of a hieroglyphic in the form a fresco by Giotto, rightly called the father of modern painting. I will shortly invite you into the laboratory where the endless experiment continually verifies itself as I continue to try fully to assimilate the findings myself. 

Though the rewards surpass any pains involved, it is still very difficult to garden when somebody has just given you a garden, and you’re used to it just being there for you to enjoy. That’s the way we’re used to receiving the world, as a given thing, as words to stay in control do all the work to sustain the shared world. Well, start building or go back to your language gardening library and get whatever tools you need. It doesn’t matter if truth takes hard work to understand and a background in the literature and art history acutely helps, and that makes it “elitist”, or if the “elitists” are too invested in the existing schemes — so don’t count on them to take care of this — and visually illiterate to pay attention. Even if nobody wants it — impossible! — truth is truth. Like any new language, just enjoy its rhythms and music and let it unfold, you can’t force understanding, only the degree of exposure to the lack of it that will induce it. Novices must pole vault. Experts must shimmy under the Lindy pole. Welcome to paradise on earth.